22 Percent of Domains in the US are running WordPress

22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress. These are staggering statistics! And the way WordPress is improving i'm sure it will extend into more and more users and developers hands and domains! State of the Word Posted August 19, 2011 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Community,Meta. This has been an exciting year for WordPress. We’ve grown to power 14.7% of the top million websites in the world, up from 8.5%, and the latest data show 22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress. I have been using WordPress for many many years now. I have used wordpress for almost all of my clients sites and only a few were actual blogs! When you think about it, any kind of organization or business needs a recent news or events section right? So why wouldn't you use the #1 CMS platform to accomplish just that; but with both ease of use and a stylish outcome. Its a no-brainer right? I couldn't see any reason why any of my…
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EXPERT LOCAL INTERNET MARKETING SERVICES Small business local internet marketing Services has become a necessity. Almost all potential customers (97%) use some form of internet based media when researching products or services. The misconception is that only young people use these technologies but in fact, nearly all of the buying public now use them.  The other paradigm shift is that a presence itself just isn’t enough. Today’s consumer not only wants to find you online, but wants you to provide them relevant, frequently updated content. What Does Small Business local internet marketing Services Do For My Business? Small business internet marketing Services has become much more targeted and has gravitated towards multi-channel conversations versus the “old school” way of advertising to the masses via radio, TV, newspapers and the Yellow Pages.  While the exposure to a large group of people seems advantageous, the return on investment is inconsistent.  With small…
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Good Reviews Resorts and Hotels Internet Marketing

Good Reviews Internet Marketing for Resorts and Hotels Don't let bad Travel Reviews ruin your business! Positive reviews are a great way to take charge of your business reviews on-line! Our services bacially provide the trust in you and your business through 100s of posted positive reviews by us across all review networks world wide! We have created a "Positive reviews and feedback monitoring service". Our service provides 100s of uniquely posted positive feedback for your business, hotel or resort.  As well as star ratings and blog posts like this, to provide positive evaluations of your business, resort or hotel using article writers that will write positive professionally written reviews from all over the world. We are experts at positively evaluating and writing about your services, then posting the review on many review websites and blog pages that your resort or hotel is advertised on. As a result you will quickly rase not only your search engine rank …
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Philippines Used Car Buying Guide

Philippines Used Car Buying Guide for the budget conscious consumer looking to get the best deal on a relyable used car in the Philippines. Tips on buying a relyable used cars and things to observe when buying a used car here in Philippines. Used Car Pre-Purchase Checklist

Use this checklist to evaluate any used car you are considering buying. Following this checklist, assures you will cover all the bases when checking out a vehicle.

Preliminaries Wear old clothes. Bring a rag for handling greasy or dirty items. If desired, also bring clean paper towels and a container of hand-cleaner for cleaning up after performing the inspection.

Other items to bring:

flashlight small magnet notepad pen or pencil copy of this checklist


If you are meeting a private party to look at a vehicle, try to get there 15 to 20 minutes early. You may discover the vehicle being prepared for your visit. Try to get the seller to set …
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